Wednesday Night Bible Study

A mid-week pick me up, we all need it.

Come Join Our

Wednesday Night Bible Study Class

Come join our Wednesday night bible study class. This class will incorporate topical studies and exegetical book studies. Enjoy fellowship with other people at varying stages of biblical understanding who all share a desire to know God’s Word. Prayerfully we hope that this will help equip the believer for every good work, prepare them to share the hope that is found in God’s Word, and to help them store up God’s Word in their hearts. (2 Tim 3:16-17, 1 Peter 3:15, Psalm 119:11)

Led by: Pastor Bob Ross

Topic: Mid-Week Bible Study – Cypress Zoom Meeting
Time: This is a recurring meeting every Wednesday at 7:00pm – 8:00pm

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Meeting ID: 212 225 135
Passcode: 732489