Connection means more than just attending a Church service. The Church should be a community of believers worshipping together, serving together, comforting each other, and carrying out the Great Commission (Matt 28: 18-20). The gathering together of God’s people should not be taken lightly (Heb 10:24-25) and should be used to encourage and strengthen each other (1 Thess 5:11). We believe that all God’s people are spiritually gifted and that His Church is only functioning at its best when all those talents are being utilized (1 Cor 12). We want to provide you with opportunities to expand your knowledge of God’s Word, to build a strong connection to God’s people, to be a blessing and for you to be blessed. We do this through discipleship, and by providing opportunities to use your spiritual gifts to serve others. When we serve others, with the talents God has given us, we bless them, but we are often blessed in the process.